Gin and Tonic
Gin and Tonic is a refreshing cocktail with a mixture of bitter and sour tastes. The combination makes it a great tasting experience for you who do not want to compromise your cocktails. With its eternal popularity, Gin and Tonic is a safe choice for any occasion.
- 4 cl gin
- 12 cl tonic
- 1 slice lime
- 60 g ice cubes
- Fill a glass with the ice cubes.
- Pour gin and tonic into the glass.
- Add a slice of lime and serve.
Dive into the cocktail
Variations of Gin and Tonic
The vast majority will think that the classic Gin and Tonic is perfect as it is. We will give them the right to do so. Nevertheless, it can be fun to try new variations of Gin and Tonic, which may suit you better that specific day.
If you want to spice up your Gin and Tonic, then it’s about adding or replacing herbs, fruits, berries, and vegetables. Try, for example, the spicy Aromatic Gin and Tonic or the bitterer version of Campari Tonic.
Gin and Tonic oprindelse
Today we drink a Gin and Tonic for pleasure. But at the origins of Gin and Tonic, expatriate British soldiers drank the cocktail to avoid malaria. Back then, tonic contained quinine, which had a protective effect – and that was precisely what they were looking for.
However, the tonic had a very bitter taste due to the quinine. So it made the soldiers add gin and lemon or lime – and Gin and Tonic became a reality.
Non-alcoholic Gin and Tonic
Gin and Tonic is a classic drink that you probably often want to enjoy – here, a non-alcoholic Gin and Tonic might be a good alternative in many situations. With an excellent non-alcoholic gin, you go a long way.
- 4 cl non-alcoholic ginn
- 12 cl tonic
- 1 slice lime
- 60 g ice cubes
- Fill the glass with the ice cubes.
- Pour tonic and non-alcoholic gin into the glass.
- Garnish with a slice of lime and serve.
Rent an all-inclusive bar
Hold the party with a free bar, and everything included: bartender, spirits, ingredients, equipment, ice cubes, and crystal glasses! We deliver it all directly to your address.