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Rent a complete cocktailbar

We will provide everything bartending related to your party.


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We will provide everything bartending related to your party.

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Choose you package here

Price is per. hour per. guest

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Choose drinks here

Choose max 6 cocktails on the right.

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Step: 3 - Choose package

6 choosable cocktailsBasic liqour brandsGlass: Crystal
8 choosable cocktailsQuality liqour brandsGlass: Crystal
10 choosable cocktailsQuality liqour brandsGlass: Crystal

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Order overview

  • Name:
  • Party address:
  • Guest number: 24
  • Date: 24/09/2017
  • Time of start: 14:00
  • Time of end: 22:00
  • Package: Silver Package
  • Transport price: 150€
  • Total price: (Incl. VAT) 1.000
  • Price if you pay online. (Incl. VAT) 234324
I accept terms and conditions

Bronze-Package (80DKK)

  • Free bar with everything included
  • Professional bartenders
  • Complete bar incl. all equipment
  • Glass: Crystal
  • Liquor & syrups
  • Ice and fresh ingredients
  • 6 optional cocktails
  • Cocktail inspiration here
  • This package contains unspecified spirits brands

Silver-package (90DKK)

  • Free bar with everything included
  • Professional bartenders
  • Complete bar incl. all equipment
  • Glass: Crystal
  • Liquor & syrups
  • Ice and fresh ingredients
  • 8 optional cocktails
  • Cocktail inspiration here
  • This package contains well-known quality brands in spirits

Gold-package (100DKK)

  • Free bar with everything included
  • Professional bartenders
  • Complete bar incl. all equipment
  • Glass: Crystal
  • Liquor & syrups
  • Ice and fresh ingredients
  • 10 optional cocktails
  • Cocktail inspiration here
  • This package contains well-known quality brands in spirits

(Price is per guest per hour)

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Cuba Libre

The classic Cuba Libre, also known as Rome & Cola, is a sweet and tasty drink that can be recommended for all occasions. Cuba Libre has the perfect balance between sweetness and acidity, where the dark caramel taste from the rum makes the drink perfect.


  • 4 cl light rum
  • 1 cl lime juice
  • 12 cl Coca Cola
  • 1 slice of lime
  • 75 g ice cubes
  • 1 pcs. lowball glass


  1. Fill a tall glass with ice.
  2. Pour lime juice into the glass.
  3. Pour rum and Coke into the glass.
  4. Garnish with a slice of lime and serve.

Facets of the drink

Variations, history and non-alcoholic

Variations of Cuba Libre

Variations of Cuba Libre

Cuba Libre is straightforward in its classic form – and that’s probably what we all love. For the same reason, there are not very many variations of the drink. If you want to keep the original ingredients, then you can, for example, choose a stronger rum or play with the amount of cola and spirits.

Do you feel for a more alternative version? Then you can try a Cuba Libre with a bit of gin and Angostura or a version with a splash of hot sauce. It may sound crazy, but in some parts of the world, both variations are popular choices.

Variations of Cuba Libre
The story behind the drink
The story behind the drink

Cuba Libre origin

Cuba Libre means “free Cuba” in Spanish, and the cocktail originated in Havana around the 20th century. During the Spanish-American War, patriots mixed rum and Coke when they wanted to toast the island. A straightforward, homemade Cuba Libre with lemon instead of lime.

Cuba Libre quickly became popular in the southern American states as the necessary ingredients were readily available. Today, the drink is also a clear classic that you can easily find at almost any bar.

Non-alcoholic Cuba Libre

Non-alcoholic Cuba Libre

There is nothing to say that you feel like a delicious, refreshing Cuba Libre on a hot day – but maybe you want to be in addition to the alcohol. A non-alcoholic Cuba Libre is a perfect alternative and very reminiscent of the original.


  • 5 cl rum replacement
  • 2 cl lime juice
  • 16 cl Cola
  • 1 slice of lime
  • 75 g ice cubes


  1. Fill the tall glass with ice.
  2. Pour lime juice into the glass.
  3. Pour the rum substitute and cola into the glass.
  4. Garnish with a slice of lime and serve.
Non-alcoholic Cuba Libre

Do you need a complete bar?

Book our complete bar solution for your next party. We serve delicious cocktails in stripes to you and your guests!
ZubarDubar - Cocktail catering
Fødevarestyrelsen - Se vores smiley


Copenhagen & Zealand
Bredgade 36E
1260 Copenhagen

Fynsvej 59
5500 Middelfart


Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
+45 69 66 34 34