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Rent a complete cocktailbar

We will provide everything bartending related to your party.


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Rent a bartender here

We will provide everything bartending related to your party.

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Choose you package here

Price is per. hour per. guest

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Step 4/4

Choose drinks here

Choose max 6 cocktails on the right.

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Step: 3 - Choose package

6 choosable cocktailsBasic liqour brandsGlass: Crystal
8 choosable cocktailsQuality liqour brandsGlass: Crystal
10 choosable cocktailsQuality liqour brandsGlass: Crystal

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Order overview

  • Name:
  • Party address:
  • Guest number: 24
  • Date: 24/09/2017
  • Time of start: 14:00
  • Time of end: 22:00
  • Package: Silver Package
  • Transport price: 150€
  • Total price: (Incl. VAT) 1.000
  • Price if you pay online. (Incl. VAT) 234324
I accept terms and conditions

Bronze-Package (80DKK)

  • Free bar with everything included
  • Professional bartenders
  • Complete bar incl. all equipment
  • Glass: Crystal
  • Liquor & syrups
  • Ice and fresh ingredients
  • 6 optional cocktails
  • Cocktail inspiration here
  • This package contains unspecified spirits brands

Silver-package (90DKK)

  • Free bar with everything included
  • Professional bartenders
  • Complete bar incl. all equipment
  • Glass: Crystal
  • Liquor & syrups
  • Ice and fresh ingredients
  • 8 optional cocktails
  • Cocktail inspiration here
  • This package contains well-known quality brands in spirits

Gold-package (100DKK)

  • Free bar with everything included
  • Professional bartenders
  • Complete bar incl. all equipment
  • Glass: Crystal
  • Liquor & syrups
  • Ice and fresh ingredients
  • 10 optional cocktails
  • Cocktail inspiration here
  • This package contains well-known quality brands in spirits

(Price is per guest per hour)

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Champagne brus

A champagne soda drink is based on green soda and Cuba caramel. That, of course, makes it a sweet experience, and the taste of caramel makes it potent. All in all, it is hugely palatable! With its associations to the ice lolly, champagne soda is refreshing and refreshing on a hot day.


  • 2 cl Cuban Caramel
  • 1 cl lime juice
  • Top off with green soda
  • 1 slice of dried lime for garnish
  • 50 g ice cubes
  • 1 pcs. highball glass


  1. Fill a highball glass with ice cubes.
  2. Pour Cuba Caramel and lime juice into the glass.
  3. Top up with green soda.
  4. Garnish with a slice of dried lime.

Big and small about the drink

Variations, background and non-alcoholic version
Grøn og simpel drink

Variations of champagnebrus

Should your Champagne Brus drink have a little extra wow-effect? You can screw up the strength of spirits a bit and add a splash of rum. If the drink is to be even more reminiscent of the ice lolly, then you can dip the edge of the glass in dark chocolate.

Could it be tempting with other drinks from the same category? Then there is plenty to choose from! Try a Kung Fu, Filur or Astronaut.

Grøn og simpel drink
Grøn drink med lime
Grøn drink med lime

Champagnebrus origin

Champagne Brus is a bit of a cult classic but is not found on many menus anymore. This is because cocktail fashion is changing and that not many green sodas are produced anymore.

The ice cream stick inspires the Champagne Brus drink with a taste of lemonade in sip and name. With its straightforward ingredients and sweet flavor, Champagne Brus is in the Filur family, Brandbil, Polar Bear, Københavnerstang, and other drinks from the 80s and 90s.

Alkoholfri Champagnebrus til voksne og børn

Non-alcoholic Champagnebrus

Whatever an alcohol-free Champagne Brus is intended for children or adults who prefer to avoid alcohol, it is always a better experience if you make a little extra out of it. A non-alcoholic Champagne Brus is basically made from the same ingredients as the original.


  • 2 cl caramel syrup
  • 1 cl lime juice
  • 20 cl green soda
  • 1 slice lime
  • 50 g ice cubes


  1. Fill the glass with ice cubes.
  2. Add caramel syrup and lime juice.
  3. Add green soda.
  4. Garnish with a slice of lime and serve.
Alkoholfri Champagnebrus til voksne og børn

Hold your event with free bar

Should we serve Champagne soda and other delicious cocktails ad libitum? Get a complete bar solution for your upcoming party!
ZubarDubar - Cocktail catering
Fødevarestyrelsen - Se vores smiley


Copenhagen & Zealand
Bredgade 36E
1260 Copenhagen

Fynsvej 59
5500 Middelfart


Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
+45 69 66 34 34